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Neuroscience for YOU

Ever wish for no difference between  what you say

and what you plan to say?

What if your  actions matched your intentions?

How cool would that be?

What if you could vanish ruminations?

You may already be wishing for mind phasing.

Mind Phasing can help you train your brain so false starts,

hesitations, embarrassing blurts, and persistent negative thoughts

are better controlled, some even eliminated by you.



Be in control of your own brainwaves.


Mind Phasing


Electroencephalogram (EEG) units do not put anything into your brain, nor do they take anything out of it. They simply measure the amount of time between one brainwave and the next.  This gives a reading of your most frequent brainwave patterns.

Our Services


How Mind Phasing Works

In just one, possibly two, office visits, you put on an EEG headset to measure your brainwaves. You read your brainwaves and check them against the desired range of Alpha waves. With a couple of suggested interventions from Dr. Anne, such as eyes closed and visualizing, you try to hit your target range. If you are able to stably maintain Alpha, you note your mindset to be imitated at home, and you are now in control of calm, focused, alert thinking.


Maintaining Alpha

To keep finding an Alpha mindstate takes practice, at least 3 up to 5 office visits. This is where neurofeedback comes in, having the brain recognize the state you consistently choose. The easeist way to get into that state is to phase with someone else who is also on an EEG and who is an expert at being in Alpha.  This is MIND PHASING, yours with Dr. Anne's, as her neurofeedback pulls yours into alignment with hers.


Mind Phasing a Friend

This could take five or six office sessions where you and a friend both come to learn how to phase with each other's brainwaves.  Why do this? For a huge connection jolt, feeling you belong together, just like that feeling you sometimes get when you absolutely know another at first sight. Both of you need to learn Alpha, then both of you, still with your headsets, need to observe and learn how the other's brainwaves work.  This is true Mind Phasing.

Let Dr. Anne help you control your good brainwaves, the ones that are helpful in difficult circumstances. What are "good" brainwaves?

All brainwaves are good for some

functions at some times.

The brain generates electrical

activity all the time.

When you connect with another's

brainwaves, you will be producing

Alpha waves: calm,

focused, in the flow.

Brain Bioelectric Activity

In one hour, you can learn how to monitor your brainwaves into a calm alpha state.
Or, in a few hours you can learn how to match your brainwaves with another's, to feel a satisfying closeness that will stay with you long after your Mind Phasing session. 

Light, easy to wear, EEG devices simply reflect your brainwaves' level of excitement.



 If you are one, think as one, pay as one:

$100 for one solo in-depth brain training session.

Or if you are two, pay as one:

$100 for 2 hours for both of you to Mind Phase

and synchronize your brainwaves.

Each hour is $100 (etransfer or cash)

discount 20% for any subsequent sessions.

By appointment only: 249-357-8488

Get connected using Mind Phasing's Muse headbands, matching another's EEG.

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